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We are happy to announce that DesignRush has added DigitalMara to the list of Top Eastern Europe Software Development Companies. The continuously updated ranking confirms the company’s relevant experience and technical expertise, putting DigitalMara at the forefront of custom software development in the region. With our skillset and teams distributed across various locations, we are capable of working on projects of any scope and complexity across various industry verticals and close positions at good rates and with excellent quality, mitigating the risk of unforeseen disruptions.  

The DigitalMara team builds custom software with functionality tailored to your business operations and the needs of both users and companies. We offer full-cycle services: consulting and business analysis, UI & UX design, development and API integration, testing and QA, maintenance and support. Each project is assigned a project manager who is responsible for the workflow, planning and monitoring of activities and performance, budget control and communication. Transparency at every point is a core principle. 

Developed software solutions are robust, scalable and user-friendly, built to seamlessly operate on various platforms and devices. Building apps from scratch, adding new features to your existing system, and modernizing your legacy software – we can do all of this using the most advanced technologies, tools and frameworks. DigitalMara works both with long-term enterprise projects and with startups requiring fast development across various industries.  

DesignRush is one of the leading B2B marketplaces, with more than 120 000 companies listed. The platform features experts in the field of web and mobile development, design, marketing and other IT services, making it easy to find a professional technology partner to implement your project successfully. Being listed on the platform gives DigitalMara more visibility in the market and helps to build new business connections. DesignRush thoroughly analyzes the activities and profiles of companies to ensure its rankings are unbiased and helpful.  

You can learn more about DigitalMara’s services and expertise by sending us a message or scheduling a call with one of our representatives. We employ an individual approach to each case and client. We would be happy to discuss how we can help bring your ideas to life and add value to your business.