Pärnu mnt 105, 11312 Tallinn, Estonia

Development of a number of microservices for a media container

DigitalMara developed a number of microservices for a media container. A client company KIVU approached DigitalMara requesting to help strengthen their internal Java development team.


About the client

KIVU Technologies

KIVU Technologies provides innovative graph computing solutions for security investigators and analysts.


The main product we were working on was a media archiving application with timeline capability.


Our experts carefully studied all the requirements and proposed an architecture, and soon after made their proposal for changes. As a result, after a series of discussions and improvements, our team implemented the project in accordance with the designed architecture.

Such approach allowed us to improve the initial idea with strong functionality and create an outstanding architecture. We were also flexible during the development process by making adjustments along the way.

The project took nearly 2 months and involved a team of 2 experienced developers and 1 project manager. We followed the Scrum model meticulously, using weekly calls with the client, submitting reports, and using other well-established practices. The task tracking system allowed us to maintain operational communication between the team and the customer.


All the set goals have been achieved in a timely and cooperative manner. This allowed KIVU to have a feature ready with a fixed budget and scope, exactly as it was required.

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