Tera - Mobile App for Sustainable Shopping
The DigitalMara team has developed a new generation shopping app that makes purchasing process eco-friendly and sustainable. With the app users can recognize dangerous substances in everyday products, just scanning a bar-code.

About the client
EcoWarrior inc
EcoWarior inc is a US-based team that has a big idea to promote and help people all over the world to make shopping sustainable and eco-friendly.
The client came to DigitalMara with the aim to create a product that would help customers of internet shops to recognize dangerous substances in everyday products (household chemicals, cosmetics, etc). The first independent iteration of Tera Shopping was Google Chrome extension.
After reaching great feedback from the audience EcoWarior decided to go ahead and asked DigitalMara to participate in developing mobile apps for AppStore and Google Play. During 6-month DigitalMara team made a big work with distributed databases and built from scratch the algorithm of collecting and analyzing product cards of most popular online shops in the USA. From now using the search in the Tera app each user can easily get know if any product which he or she is interested in is eco-friendly or not. The app allows to distinguish products by their names or to use Bar-code scanner. Each user can easily scan bar code on any product and get all information about it just in one tap.
DigitalMara really enjoys this project and work with enthusiasm on new version of the app which contains even more useful sustainable tools.
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